Masculine, Meet Feminine…

This note is for the ladies. Have you ever prided yourself on how much you are able to accomplish? The crown of the woman who has checked every item off her to do list is quite heavy, and we bow to you in honor. And wow-imagine if you didn’t just handle the things you had to do on Saturday, what if you were a boss all month? What about all year?

We say proudly, “Consider this situation—-handled!”

But that’s not really the best practice for us in the long run. Have you ever heard that we all (that is every human) have a masculine and a feminine side? Not in terms of gender…divine feminine and divine masculine. And as women, when we do too much for too long, we stifle and suppress the divine feminine which is calling us to just BE. I felt convicted about not posting, which is not a very nice thing to do to myself, but my spirit literally saying, have a seat, ma’am.

Have you ever felt that way? The universe is calling you to come into alignment, into balance. This year, 2024 is a universal 8 year. And since we are mid-way through, let’s think about the question, is there an area where you a bit out of balance? Are you doing too much, striving, producing, achieving? That’s great and certainly wonderful, but when are you resting, surrendering and just being? You have to have BOTH. In the US, where I live, achieving and hustling can sometimes be the image that we aspire to, when we should equally be aspiring to rest, to meditate, to vacay. So, the three things I want you to take away from this are:

1)    Its more than ok to take a good rest. Whatever works well for you is perfectly fine. As long as you make time for laughing, relaxing, dancing in your bedroom or even crochet. We don’t always want to be strategizing, thinking or planning.

2)    It’s just as honorable to have time in your schedule to do nothing in particular, as it is to have time for the to-do list.

3)    Being easy and lighthearted is your superpower. Make sure you activate it as often as you can


Save the Date: True You Retreat is BACK!!


Why Can’t I sleep?