Energy Healing is real. See what some of my clients are saying; Will you be the next one to have a breakthrough and a testimony?

Send me a message and see if I can help.

“Shannon told me things no one would know, things I had never told anyone else…she is an amazing healer…” -Andro A.

“I had a problem with my eyes, and the doctor said it would get worse; I just realized that the problem [is gone]” -Sharon P.

Stories From My Wonderful Clients

  • Shannon is an amazing healer. I came to her with an issue around abandonment wounds which were affecting the commitment to my relationship and other big decisions in life. She called in her ancestors and found the root cause within minutes of the session. She discovered that it was from my childhood abandonment wound to my grandparents and a past life fear of making bad decisions that has manifested into a fear of commitment in this lifetime. We did a healing around it and I can confidently say I have no more insecurities or lack of trust in myself when it comes to committing to things. -Nicki

  • On June 1st, I had the best day ever, because I had a personal (one on one) visit with Shannon Burton!! I had not been feeling my usual cheerful self for some weeks, after getting troubling medical news. I talked to Shannon and relayed my feelings, so she had a session with me. As she talked, playing soft music, and gently stroking my hands, I could feel the pressure leave and a soft tingle in my hands and feet. When she had finished my mind was clear, my heart was light, and all was well again. It has been several weeks since that day, but I am still uplifted and optimistic about whatever may come my way. She has put my smile back in my heart, and is truly a gifted person!!! Thank you so very much. -Carolyn

  • Gratitude for the authentic self healing! Shannon Tapped all the way in. She spoke words I have been hearing intuitively this week giving me further confirmation that I’m on the right path. She also connected with my ancestors and delivered a profound message from my father who transitioned to spirit when I was 10. Talk about boo hoo tears 😭 It was the release I needed, that I didn’t realize that was there. Shannon is a true light bearer shining divine light into shaded parts of Self. I can now move forward on my path confidently knowing my steps are ordered, in alignment with my purpose. -Alicia

  • Your impartial observations were so on point and so shifting my perspective along with the energy work that I feel the burden of grief is no longer bringing me down or holding me back. I am moving forward internally and not just by saying mantras and choosing consciously - all thanks to the shift that you were the catalyst of! I have my card with my energy affirmation on my desk in front of me - thank you for that! My perspective has shifted and I owe it to you. I will definitely reach out to you after I integrate all we have done during my session. It feels so good to be me again, the new peaceful me enjoying quiet beauty all around me moment by moment. I feel like a child that has been crying for so long that lost her ability to comfort herself, finally letting go of the hurt and heartache and feeling neutral and lighthearted. -Private Client, New York, USA

  • Wow Shannon! That healing was amazing! I'm still feeling teary and soft and softening even further, with love and forgiveness and deepening connection with my beautiful mother. Thank you, beautiful healer ❤-S

  • I had a mini session with Shannon, and it was amazing how she was able to help me calm my thoughts so quickly. She identified what I most needed to know in that moment, and I was literally amazed. I was blown away hearing what spirit had revealed to her, and it lifted some of the burden I didn't realize I was carrying. Shannon's authentic gift is invaluable, and will be a blessing to all who have the privilege of working with her! It was so reassuring to hear her confirm my strengths and that has allowed me to know that no matter what’s going on I’m still alright! She helped me realize that I can’t control outcomes and that has really helped me know everything will still be ok. It healed my internal doubts for sure. And as it turns out that time in life was just a bump in the road. It was really a powerful experience. She was also able to point me towards my purpose in life and I found so much strength and relief in that. I feel focused and steady. -CS

  • By working with you I’ve developed a much better understanding of how the mind and body are connected. I know the pains I was experiencing were related to stress. Because once I addressed those stresses my pains have really subsided. Just understanding that connection and correlation. I appreciate you helping me to release feeling like I needed to control others, especially my family. And it has been so freeing. That’s the best word- I just feel free. My sessions have given me the ability to focus on my own life. So THANK YOU!

    -Anonymous in Ohio, USA

  • I felt like just being in your energy was healing. I told you what kind of week I had and after we talked, I realized just how wound up I was. Since I’m a pretty low key, low drama personality, I often ignore how I’m feeling (no time for that!) and I didn’t even notice how emotionally confused I was in that survival mode. I think I would have received the healing I needed, even if we just had a conversation. It was like a fog of mixed emotions and conflicting thoughts lifted and I had a much-needed sense of clarity about my situation. And honestly - just a general sense of peace about what is. I feel like I can let go of the repressed regrets and what if’s. I think you heal the world just by being in it! -K