Explore Extras: Card Readings

Divine Timing Reading— $25

An oracle card reading using ANGEL TIMING ANSWERS deck can help you gain clarity and guidance on the best timing for your actions and decisions. This deck consists of 44 cards, each with a message from the angels about the divine timing of your situation. You can ask a specific question or simply draw a card for general insight. The cards will reveal the optimal time frame for your inquiry, such as "Now", "Soon", "Wait", "Not Yet", or "Perfect Timing". The cards will also provide additional information and affirmations to help you trust the angelic guidance. An oracle card reading using ANGEL TIMING ANSWERS deck can result in great outcomes, as you align yourself with the divine flow and synchronicity of the universe.

20 Minutes $30

Tarot Reading — $35

A tarot card reading is a way of gaining insight into your past, present and future by interpreting the symbols and meanings of the cards. A traditional tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana represent the major themes and lessons of life, while the Minor Arcana reflect the everyday situations and challenges. A spread is a layout of cards that has a specific meaning and purpose. For example, a three-card spread can show your past, present and future, or your situation, action and outcome. A tarot card reading is not a fixed prediction, but rather a tool for guidance and intuition. You should use your own judgment and intuition to apply the messages of the cards to your own situation.

30 Minutes ($30)